Style Guide

I'm a H1 Header.

I should not be used as I'm reserved for page titles and the like. Using header tags in a cascading fashion is purported to help with SEO. 

I am bold text. I'm useful for making things stand out a bit, but am not a replacement for headers. Google likes nice semantic HTML. 

This is a h2 Header

You can use me for secondary headers, sub headers etc.

This is italic text. I should really be reserved for correct usage and not for fun. It can make text less readable. 

  • I am an unordered list. 
  • I am good for erm, lists. 
  • Lists can be fun. 
  • And are easy to read on websites. 

Here is a H3 header. 

I can also be used for subheaders. If you prefer smaller subheaders.

I am a h4 header

Smaller again...

I am an internal link, added using the internal path option of the insert link button (chain link icon). Easiest way to use it is to highlight the text you want to link, then click the button. The text will be converted into a link. To avoid linking the next thing you start typing, it's easiest to type more words after the text you want to link, so you can highlight just the text you want. Sometimes I just type a few characters of gibberish after link text to make life easier. 

I am a h5 header

I am terribly small. 

This is a blockquote. Used for... blocky quotes. 


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small button

large button

home-button button

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